Pima Tours 

Egypt has four types of climate: Mediterranean on the Alexandria coast, semi-desert in the Cairo region, temperate along the Nile Valley and desert in the south of the country.

In autumn (from the end of September to the beginning of November) a gentle heat prevails: temperatures range between 25 and 35°C from north to south.

In winter (mid-December to mid-February), it is fairly cool in the north of the country.

In Spring (March-April) does not last long and summer comes quickly. Temperatures can then turn quite warm.

The temperature reaches the lowest in the month of January in all parts of the country and the average daily temperature start to be increased after the month of February to reach it’s peak at month of July all over the country. This average reach to 33.2 ° C in Aswan. While in Alexandria and coastal cities the month of maximum temperature is Month of August that because the Sea water temperature rises slowly during the summer on dry ground.

Put into your consideration the season of your traveling time to Egypt during the winter or during the summer season. So if you will visit Egypt during the hot summer season bring with you light cotton and Comfortable clothes, Sandals, sun block, cap, umbrella, swimsuit, eye drops and sunglasses specially if you plan to go to the Egyptian beaches such as Sharm el Sheikh, Hurghada, Dahab,…etc and a heavy cloth if you plan to camp overnight in a desert Area.

Make sure you have a plenty of water at all time.

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